This notebook shows how to prepare the data for topic modeling and how to analyze the data.
If you have already run the hdp library with your corpus, go directly to the section: The Topics.
For context about the example data, see data science jobs in new york.
In [36]:
# words that appear in fewer than MIN_DOC_FREQ documents will be ignored
# if there are less than MIN_WORDS in a document, it is dropped
In [2]:
from pymongo import MongoClient
import datetime
import reviews_data
from nltk.tokenize import sent_tokenize, word_tokenize
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
import re
import string
from gensim import corpora, models, similarities
In [3]:
# DB settings
client = MongoClient()
indeed_db = client.indeed
indeed_jobs =
indeed_reviews =
glassdoor_db = client.glassdoor
glassdoor_reviews =
In [4]:
# this could also be the stemmed version - see db_access
all_reviews = reviews_data.get_combined_lower(indeed_reviews, glassdoor_reviews)
# all_reviews = reviews_data.get_stemmed_combined_reviews(indeed_reviews, glassdoor_reviews)
In [5]:
One problem of topic modeling has to do with common words that hold little meaning, e.g. 'the'. These words are very common, so the algorithm will focus on them. However, they bring little information about the topics.
The main way to deal with these so-called stopwords is to remove them during preprocessing. If you see such words in the topics at the end, you can come back to this step and add those words to the stop list.
In [6]:
# remove stop_words
stop = stopwords.words("english")
stop += ['.',',','(',')',"'",'"',':','','...','-','``',';',";'",'&']
stop += [str(i) for i in range(30)]
stop += ["'s", "n't", ]
stop += list(string.lowercase[:26])
stop += ['pro','con','pros','cons']
stop = set(stop) # sets are much faster to search
Warning : this step can be a bit slow.
In [7]:
# If you use stemmed words - you also need to stem the stopwords
# stemmer = PorterStemmer()
# stop = set([stemmer.stem(word) for word in stop])
preproc, doc_indexes = reviews_data.preprocess(all_reviews, stop, MIN_WORDS)
In [8]:
In [37]:
# assign id to words
dictionary = corpora.Dictionary(preproc)
# remove words that appear less than MIN_DOC_FREQ times
few_ids = [tokenid for tokenid, docfreq in dictionary.dfs.iteritems() if docfreq <= MIN_DOC_FREQ]
corpus = [dictionary.doc2bow(doc) for doc in preproc]
print dictionary
In [45]:
%matplotlib inline
# This can help choose MIN_DOC_FREQ
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.hist(sorted(dictionary.dfs.values())[:-5000], bins=100);
In [50]:
reviews_data.write_ldac("lda-c.txt", corpus)
dictionary.save_as_text("lda_dictionary.txt") #this will be used in the analysis
with open('doc_indexes.txt', 'w') as doc_indexes_file:
for i in doc_indexes:
doc_indexes_file.write("%s\n" % i)
Now the data is ready to be used with hierarchical Dirichlet process, an extension of latent Dirichlet allocation. I used a library found on David M. Blei's page:, which I modified slightly so that it would work with large corpuses (over 32767 documents), and so that it saved the documents' topic's at the end. You can find the modified version on github.
Follow the instructions and run:
./hdp --train_data lda-c.txt --directory output --verbose --sample_hyper --max_iter 1000 --max_time -1 --save_lag 100
Alternatively, you can use gensim or any other topic modeling library.
In [84]:
results_directory = "~/hdp/output/"
results_directory+= "final."
# how many topics to show
# how many words per topic to show
In [85]:
import numpy as np
from gensim import corpora
dictionary = corpora.Dictionary.load_from_text("lda_dictionary.txt")
doc_indexes = []
with open('doc_indexes.txt') as doc_indexes_file:
for line in doc_indexes_file:
In [86]:
def sort_perm(vals, reverse=True):
return sorted(range(len(vals)), key=vals.__getitem__, reverse=reverse)
def line_to_int(line):
return [int(i) for i in line.split(' ')]
def topic_words(topic, n=10):
return [dictionary[i] for i in sort_perm(line_to_int(topic))[:n]]
def read_f(name):
with open(results_directory + name) as f:
arr = []
for l in f:
except ValueError:
return arr
In [87]:
counts = read_f("counts")
In [88]:
main_topicc_idx = sort_perm(counts)[:NB_OF_TOPICS]
In [89]:
hdp_out = open(results_directory + "topics")
i = 0
top_topics = [[0]]*NB_OF_TOPICS
all_topics = [[0]]*len(counts)
for line in hdp_out:
all_topics[i] = line_to_int(line)
if i in main_topicc_idx:
top_topics[main_topicc_idx.index(i)] = line_to_int(line)
all_topics = np.array(all_topics)
In [90]:
In [91]:
for topic in top_topics:
print [dictionary[i] for i in sort_perm(topic)[:NB_OF_WORDS]]
We want to see the most important words in each topics. That means both those that have the largest weight in a given topic, but also those that are unique to that topic. Words like 'get', 'work' or 'people' are very common and don't define a topic very well.
The parameters alpha and beta help control that trade off. Intuitively: larger beta -> filter out rare words in the corpus, larger alpha -> less common words in the topic. Alpha should be less than Beta.
Playing around with these parameters is important to get interesting results.
In [217]:
ALPHA = 0.0005
BETA = 0.0005
In [93]:
all_topics = np.array(all_topics)
topic_freqs = np.sum(all_topics, axis=1)
word_freq = np.sum(all_topics, axis=0)
In [94]:
%matplotlib inline
# this helps choose beta - not too far from where the main frequencies are.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.hist(sorted(word_freq.astype(float)/np.sum(word_freq))[:-100], bins=100);
In [95]:
import csv
import os.path
def export_wordcloud(topic, ratio,k, fname):
fname = fname +'.tsv'
exists = os.path.isfile(fname)
with open(fname, 'a') as csvfile:
topic_writer = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter='\t')
if not exists: #write headers
most_important_words = sort_perm(topic)[:NB_OF_WORDS]
for i in most_important_words:
topic_writer.writerow([k,dictionary[i], topic[i], ratio[i]])
def write_topics(topics_indexes, export = False, name = ""):
topics_list = []
topic_freqs_normalized = topic_freqs.copy()/float(sum(topic_freqs))
for k,idx in enumerate(topics_indexes):
topic = (all_topics[idx].astype(float)/sum(all_topics[idx]) + ALPHA) / (word_freq.astype(float)/np.sum(word_freq) + BETA)
topic /=max(topic)
topic*= 1000
ratio = np.array(all_topics[idx]) / np.array(word_freq).astype(float)
ratio /= max(ratio)
ratio += np.array(0.2)
ratio /= max(ratio)
if export:
if not name:
name = 'topic_'+ str(k)
export_wordcloud(topic, ratio,k, name)
most_important_words = sort_perm(topic)[:NB_OF_WORDS]
topics_list.append([dictionary[i] for i in most_important_words])
if not export:
return topics_list
To tweak alpha and beta, here you can see how common the words selected are in the largest topics. A 2-5 ratio seems to give good results.
In [221]:
def sum_rank(arr, ref):
return sum([ref.index(a) for a in arr])
init = 0
changed = 0
n = 20
for i in range(10):
topic = (all_topics[i].astype(float)/sum(all_topics[i]) + ALPHA) / (word_freq.astype(float)/np.sum(word_freq) + BETA)
init += sum_rank(sort_perm(top_topics[i])[:n], sort_perm(word_freq))
changed += sum_rank(sort_perm(topic)[:n], sort_perm(word_freq))
print init
print changed
In [218]:
Now that we've seen the most common topics, we can get to the main part: filtering topics based the company (or other criteria).
The parameters alpha and beta here serve the same purpose as above, but for identifying most important topics (and not words). Since there are far fewer topics, these should be much larger.
In [223]:
ALPHA_T = 0.01
BETA_T = 0.01
In [111]:
%matplotlib inline
# this helps choose beta - not too far from where the main frequencies are.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.hist(sorted(np.array(counts)/float(sum(counts)))[:-50], bins=20);
In [108]:
from pymongo import MongoClient
import reviews_data
import utils
# DB settings
client = MongoClient()
indeed_db = client.indeed
indeed_jobs =
indeed_reviews =
glassdoor_db = client.glassdoor
glassdoor_reviews =
In [109]:
ratings = reviews_data.all_ratings(indeed_reviews, glassdoor_reviews)
# Drop ratings from reviews that were dropped
kept_ratings_temp = []
for i in doc_indexes:
ratings = kept_ratings_temp
In [110]:
# Read doc states
with open(results_directory + "doc.states") as f:
doc_states = []
for l in f:
doc_states.append([int(i) for i in l.strip().split(' ')])
In [53]:
In [54]:
len(doc_states) # the number of ratings and documents should be the same
In [55]:
companies = list(set(utils.get_company_names(indeed_reviews)))
In [56]:
def company_topics(company, output = False):
top_sum = np.array([0]*len(all_topics))
count = 0
for i in range(len(ratings)):
if ratings[i]['company'] == company:
count += 1
top_sum += np.array(doc_states[i])
if output:
print("Number of reviews for " + company + ": " + str(count))
return top_sum
# most disproportionately common topics
def largest_topics(topic, topic_freqs, alpha, beta):
topic = np.array(topic.copy()).astype(float)
topic /= sum(topic)
return (topic + alpha)/(topic_freqs/float(sum(topic_freqs)) + beta)
To tweak alpha and beta, here you can see how common the topics selected are. A 2-5 ratio seems to give good results.
In [224]:
n = 10
init, changed = 0,0
for i in range(10):
company_tops = largest_topics(company_topics(company, False), topic_freqs, ALPHA_T, BETA_T)
init += sum_rank(sort_perm(company_topics(company, False))[:n], sort_perm(topic_freqs))
changed += sum_rank(sort_perm(company_tops)[:n], sort_perm(topic_freqs))
print init
print changed
In [225]:
company = companies[15]
company_tops = largest_topics(company_topics(company, True), topic_freqs, ALPHA_T, BETA_T)
In [256]:
# Reminder about ratings
print ratings[0]
In [226]:
top_sum = np.array([0]*len(all_topics))
count = 0
for i in range(len(ratings)):
if 'Career Opportunities' in ratings[i] and ratings[i]['Career Opportunities'] == 1:
count += 1
top_sum += np.array(doc_states[i])
print("Number of reviews: " + str(count))
rating_tops = largest_topics(top_sum, topic_freqs, ALPHA_T, BETA_T)
To visualize the topics using d3 in a word cloud, you can use the write_topics function. To see the html and javascript to visualize them, check out the example: topics wordcloud.
In [230]:
topics_file_name = "all_topics"
write_topics(range(len(all_topics)), True, topics_file_name)
In [228]:
# make a dictionary of various topics distributions:
topic_distributions = {}
topic_distributions['Main Topics'] = main_topicc_idx
for company in companies:
topic_distributions[company] = sort_perm(largest_topics(company_topics(company), topic_freqs, ALPHA_T, BETA_T))[:NB_OF_TOPICS];
# you can add other choices here for instance based on ratings' criteria
In [229]:
import json
with open("topic_distributions.json" ,'w') as f:
json.dump(topic_distributions, f)